ISSUE N˚05 Terri Weifenbach

< Mēdeia1.0 > is a project that uses fashion as a medium to inform people about events and social issues around the world as captured by photographers in Japan and abroad.
The next phase of the project, < Mēdeia2.0 > , will focus on the "margins" of thought and emotion, rather than directly conveying the truth.
In the fifth issue, photographer Terri Weifenbach captures natural landscapes that are both out of focus and sharp, as if nature itself were in a constant state of flux and transition.
The flowers and grasses changing color, the sun's rays, ripening fruit. And the birds that straddle the sky are the intermediaries between us and the natural world in her photographs. It is through their behavior that we truly understand nature.
"One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken."- Leo Tolstoy
I want to listen carefully to the birds' voices, which I usually don't hear. May we not let the ordinary cease to be ordinary. May we never forget the beauty of nature.
国内外の写真家が切り取った世界中の出来事や社会課題を、ファッションを媒体にして人々に知らせていくプロジェクト < Mēdeia1.0 > 。
次のフェースを示す出版レーベル < Mēdeia2.0 > は、突き刺した真実だけではなく、思考と感情の“余白”にフォーカスする。
第5号の写真家テリ・ワイフェンバック(Terri Weifenbach)が写す自然風景は、ピンボケとシャープな部分が混在し、それはまるで自然そのものが常に揺らぎ、移ろいでいる姿を表している。
"幸せの第一条件のひとつは、人間と自然との絆を壊してはならないことだ。" -レフ・トルストイ
photographer:Terri Weifenbach
art direction : Naho Toyoda
translation:Bonnie Pong-Wai Ma
printing:Fujiwara Printing co., ltd.
binding:mochizuki bindery
Limited Edition of 300 copies.
publisher:INDIGO CO., LTD.
format:thread stitch binding
attachment:sheet in English and Japanese.