Modern urban landscapes are constantly changing, and at first glance their substance is opaque. Chicago is no exception, with its people and buildings showing no signs of letting up.Michael Wolff, who participated in a project focused on architecture at the Museum of Contemporary Photography, actually stood on the roof or in the window of the opposite building, he found his fundamental desire. He focused his camera on the "transparency of the city" issue, which is distinct from architectural photography: "What is going on in this building? Along with the beautifully abstract architecture photographed, the lives of city dwellers voyeuristically photographed through the windows of these buildings become blindingly obvious. A person wandering around with his upper body naked, a businessman who notices Wolf and points at him.This book makes people realize that when they see things in this transparent city, they are also "seen" by someone. And due to Wolf's strict trimming, it's a world that can't be easily escaped.The Transparent City by Michael Wolf現代の都市景観は常に変化し続けていて、一見その実体は不透明である。シカゴもその例外ではなく、人も建物も隙を見せない。現代写真美術館(Museum of Contemporary Photography)での、建築に焦点を当てた企画に参加したドイツの写真家マイケル・ウルフは、実際に屋上や向かい合った建物の窓に立った時、自身の根本的な欲求に気が付いた。彼がカメラを構えたのは「この建物で何が起こっているのか」という、建築写真とは一線を画した「都市の透明さ」問題である。美しく抽象的に撮影された建築とともに、その窓から盗撮された都会人の生活が目を覆うほどに明らかになる。上半身裸のままうろうろする人、ウルフに気付き指をさすサラリーマン。この透明な都市でものを見る時、同時に我々は何者かに「見られている」ことをこの本は人々に悟らせる。そしてウルフの厳格なトリミングによって、そこが容易に脱出できない世界ということも。
Edit:Lesley A. Martin design:Andrew Sloat
publisher:Aperture year:2008 pages:111 size:H344×W277mm language :English condition:good. attachment:dust jacket